About Me

I am currently a Data Scientist at Tribe Dynamics. My role focuses on finding data driven stories in the realm of Social media marketing. I also lead efforts at the Tribe to integrate NLP and Image processing for classification tasks which bring more value to our customers.

Prior to my current stint at Tribe, I was a Masters student in Computational Science and Engineering at Harvard University. My master’s thesis applies LSTM backed models to learn and predict on irregular time series in Astronomy and reduces autocorrelation within residuals generated from predictions. I graduated with a Bachelors in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from NITK Surathkal, India and submitted a thesis for epilepsy prediction with Intra-Ictal EEG time series data.

Research Interest

I am primarily interested in applying Machine learning techniques in a robust and scalable manner to a variety of problems. My previous research experiences have spanned from applying classical time series methods to deep learning to problems in vastly different domains. I am particularly interested in image and time series problems which are applied to noisy real world data. I am interested in understanding the effect of noise and the complications brought forward by such datasets. Previously I have handled noisy datasets in astronomy and medical research.


  1. Abhishek Malali, Ganne Chaitanya, Shashi Gowda and Kaushik Majumdar , 2016, Analysis of cortical rhythms in intracranial EEG by temporal difference operators during epileptic seizures, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control [Paper]

Research and Academic awards

  1. IACS Harvard Scholarship for $25000 (2017)
  2. Sponsored by H2O.ai for 2nd year of M.E.(CSE) (2017)
  3. Institute Gold Medal at NITK (2014)
  4. OP Jindal Engineering and Management Scholarship (Awarded to top 80 students in the country every year) (2010, 2012, 2013)



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